“Paintings are the expression of feelings from heart and thinking from mind, we have always included exhibition of paintings as part of our every event” Sandeep Marwah introduced S.B.Sibal renowned painter of the country at the inauguration of his exhibition on the first day of 2nd Global Festival of Journalism Noida 2014. The exhibition lamp was lighted by Padma Bhushan Shivajirao G Patil, , H.E. Darja Bavdaz-Kuret Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia in India, former Minister of UP and MLA Madan Chauhan, former Secretary Sudhir Devare, Film Maker of UK Lucy Brown.
“I am surprised Sandeep Marwah has covered all the mediums of media under one roof, it is a golden opportunity for young aspirants to learn from him” said Shivajirao. “These are one of the best paintings I have ever seen” Patil added. Dayanand Vats of All India Journalist and Writers Association, Vipin Gaur of News Paper Association, V.K.Sharma of All Journalist Association, Editor Chauthi Duniya Waseem Rashid, former Addl. Director General All India Radio Dr. Madhukar Gangadhar and Sundeep Sibal were present on the occasion. I am deep into paintings, this is my passion and I have enjoyed 30 years in this profession. It is my pride to be part of this Grand International event” added D.P.Sibal thanking everyone on the occasion.